POPULAR TITLES: Malaysia | Land Law in Malaysia: Questions and Answers
A comprehensive, reader-friendly book that answers your legal questions on Malaysian land matters. |
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 | Spotlight on Malaysian Tax Disputes
Understand the intricacies of current issues in Malaysian taxation |
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 | Practical Guide to Conveyancing in Malaysia
A clear and practical guide for efficient conveyancing practice |
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 | Judicial Review in Malaysia: Case Commentaries on Key Topics
Guiding the effective challenge of executive and administrative excesses |
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 | Malaysian Civil Procedure 2024 (Vols 1 & 2)
The definitive reference manual on the rules of civil procedure and practice in Malaysia |
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 | The Practitioner's Guide to Defamation Law
Providing clarity on the intricate labyrinth of defamation actions |
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 | Civil and Criminal Appeals in Malaysia (Fourth Edition)
Indispensable companion for accomplished and masterly appellate practice |
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 | Bullen & Leake & Jacob's Malaysian Precedents of Pleadings, Third Edition
Treasure chest of authoritative and structured precedents for successful civil practice |
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 | The Criminal Procedure Code: A Commentary with Appellate Practice and Procedure (3rd edition)
Invaluable guidance at your fingertips for an assured mastery of criminal court processes |
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 | The Penal Code: A Commentary
Providing unparalleled clarity on Malaysia’s key criminal statute |
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 | Law, Practice and Procedure of Arbitration in India
Datuk Professor Sundra Rajoo’s Law, Practice and Procedure of Arbitration in India is a great new resource for the Indian and international arbitration community. It provides a detailed practical guide on the Indian arbitration landscape. The text of the book traverses in detail the latest precedents with in-depth analysis and prognosis of the evolving arbitral regime in India. Datuk Sundra’s academic knowledge, vast experience and practical insight as an arbitrator is seen in each of the 51 chapters of the book. Every chapter brings the international perspective, practice, procedure, comparable provisions of law and precedents from other common law and civil law jurisdictions to provide global insights and comparisons into each aspect of arbitration.
The book sets out and discusses scholarly and authoritative views of the leading international voices on arbitration, all the latest Indian legislative amendments, judicial precedents and their impact on India’s position as a preferred destination for the arbitration of commercial disputes. Practitioners, counsels, judges, general counsels, arbitral institutions, students and other users of or interested in arbitration will find Law, Practice and Procedure of Arbitration in India useful. |
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 | Summum Bonum: The Ultimate Good
Recounting the life and experiences of an eminent judge and lawyer. This book presents the life, experiences and reflections of former Court of Appeal judge, Dato’ Mahadev Shankar. It contains stories which are absorbing, some even tantalising, as readers travel with the author down memory lane and immerse in the unfolding of a life well-lived. A must-read for members of the legal community, this book brings to life the roots and rich history of the legal community in Malaysia. |
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 | Malaysian Practice Series - Law and Practice of Construction Law in Malaysia
This book considers and analyses various standard forms commonly adopted in the Malaysian construction industry. Key cases are presented in the form of illustrations which seek to present essential principles in an easily digestible form. The book is invaluable to all legal professionals engaged in the practice of construction law as well as construction professionals in Malaysia and contains discussion of current Malaysian cases and applicable statutes. |
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 | Malaysian Practice Series - Law and Practice of Employment Law in Malaysia
Law and Practice of Employment Law in Malaysia contains the collective knowledge and experience of a team of leading employment law specialists. The book is comprehensive in its coverage, including the fundamentals of contracts of employment, the conduct of domestic inquiry, various grounds for termination, unfair labour practice, sexual harassment, proceedings at the Industrial Court, judicial review and appeal, social security, trade unions and the recognition thereof as well as industrial action.
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 | Land Acquisition: A Primer
Land Acquisition: A Primer discusses the principles of law governing compulsory land acquisition in a concise manner. Clearly written, this book provides the basic underlying legal jurisprudence of compulsory land acquisition in Malaysia and highlights landmark decisions governing the compulsory acquisition of privately-owned land. |
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 | Habeas Corpus in Malaysia
Habeas Corpus in Malaysia is a compact, concisely written handbook which offers considerable insight into and analysis of the important workings of the writ of habeas corpus, providing enough material for the reader to work confidently or to conduct further study, where necessary. |
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 | Malaysian Law on Division of Matrimonial Assets, Second Edition
Malaysian Law on Division of Matrimonial Assets (Second Edition) is a comprehensive text covering all the principles which govern the judicial division of matrimonial assets incidental to a court decree of divorce or judicial separation. The main provisions of the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 (“LRA 1976”) and its accompanying rules, the Divorce and Matrimonial Proceedings Rules 1980 that govern this area of law in relation to non-Muslims are analysed and explained in great depth and detail. |
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 | Jurisprudens dan Teori Undang-undang Dalam Konteks Malaysia, Edisi Kedua
Buku ini menyediakan asas jurisprudens dan teori-teori undang-undang, serta hubungkaitan dan kepentingan teori-teori tersebut dalam sistem undang-undang, terutamanya dalam konteks undang-undang Malaysia pada masa kini. |
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 | Essential Company Law in Malaysia: Navigating the Companies Act 2016, Second Edition
Presenting the law in a clear and concise style, this updated second edition guides and supports a quick understanding of the Malaysian company law system. Regular reference is made to the provisions of the Companies Act 2016 to enable the reader to appreciate the statutory scheme regulating companies in Malaysia. |
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 | Tax Appeals in Malaysia: Law and Procedure
This book covers topics relevant to any contemporary discussion on tax appeals. The law and practice on this subject have been expertly treated. The law has been considered and analysed in depth, while the treatment of the practical aspects has benefitted from the wide experience of the author in conducting tax appeals. |
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 | Administrative Law in Malaysia, Second Edition
Administrative Law in Malaysia sets out in clear and succinct language the applicable principles of Malaysian administrative law. This book contains the fruits of a detailed study of Malaysian and foreign, principally English and Australian, court decisions. |
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 | Perlembagaan Kita
Buku ini ditulis dengan khas untuk memberikan pemahaman yang baik dan jelas kepada semua tentang Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia. Disediakan oleh pakar ternama undang-undang perlembagaan Malaysia, Shad Saleem Faruqi, ini adalah buku yang penuh dengan pengetahuan yang amat berguna berkenaan selok-belok pemakaian undang-undang utama Malaysia. Dengan menggunakan pengetahuannya yang mendalam tentang subjek ini, penulis telah menyediakan sebuah buku yang menyeluruh dan lengkap, namun senang dibaca. Untuk mereka yang memerlukan sumber-sumber terperinci, duluan kes dan peruntukan Perlembagaan yang berkaitan telah diberikan.
Dibahagikan ke dalam 9 Bahagian yang mengandungi sejumlah 36 bab, buku ini menerangkan topik-topik penting seperti ciri-ciri utama Perlembagaan Persekutuan, pengasingan kuasa, kebebasan asasi, kewarganegaraan, Majlis Raja-Raja, Yang di-Pertuan Agong, tanggungjawab menteri, penggubalan undang-undang, badan kehakiman, proses pilihan raya, dan kuasa untuk menangani perbuatan subversif. Ia juga meneliti kompromi etnik pra-Merdeka dan membincangkan masa depan Perlembagaan.
Buku ini membekalkan pemahaman yang jelas dan menarik berkenaan Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Ia sememangnya patut dibaca oleh semua rakyat Malaysia, tua dan muda, untuk memperolehi pengertian yang amat diperlukan tentang undang-undang utama yang membentuk negara ini dan terus menyediakan kerangka untuk menjamin kemakmuran masa depannya.
- Menyediakan penerangan yang lengkap dan jelas tentang Perlembagaan Persekutuan
- Mengandungi pengetahuan yang bernilai daripada seorang pakar ternama undang-undang perlembagaan
- Menggunakan struktur yang jelas dan tajuk-tajuk yang bermakna untuk memudahkan pencapaian maklumat yang diperlukan
- Memakai gaya bahasa yang jelas dan mudah difahami
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 | Islamic Family Law in Malaysia, Second Edition
This is a complete and up-to-date textbook on Islamic family law in Malaysia. The topics are carefully surveyed and the discussion is adequately supported by legal sources and religious authorities. The views and practices of the different schools of thought are considered to ensure a comprehensive treatment of the issues that arise. |
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 | Norchaya Talib on Torts in Malaysia
This book which draws on the pedigree of the established Law of Torts in Malaysia by the late Professor Dr Norchaya Talib, covers not only the traditional torts such as negligence, nuisance, trespass, strict liability and defamation, but also explores the current aspects of the law of torts law in Malaysia. |
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 | The Sultan Azlan Shah Law Lectures III: Politics and the Judiciary, Executive Power & The Limits of Law
“The Sultan Azlan Shah Law Lectures is one of the most prestigious lecture series of the common law world.”
Baroness Helena Kennedy QC
“There are a number of possible milestones of distinction for one who is pursuing a career as a member of the English Bench. Foremost amongst these is to be invited to deliver the Sultan Azlan Shah Lecture.”
Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers
The Sultan Azlan Shah Law Lecture Series was conceived to honour His Royal Highness Sultan Azlan Shah’s contribution to the development of Malaysian law. Since the first lecture was delivered in 1986, distinguished jurists, barristers and academics in the common law world have graced Malaysian shores to deliver authoritative, stimulating and thought-provoking lectures on a diverse range of topics.
The first seventeen lectures delivered between 1986 and 2003 were published in 2004 in the first volume entitled The Sultan Azlan Shah Law Lectures: Judges on the Common Law; the 18th to the 24th lectures delivered between 2004 and 2010 were published in 2011 in the second volume, The Sultan Azlan Shah Law Lectures II: Rule of Law, Written Constitutions & The Common Law Tradition.
This volume, the third in the series, entitled The Sultan Azlan Shah Law Lectures III: Politics and the Judiciary, Executive Power & The Limits of Law, contains the 25th to the 34th lectures delivered from 2011 to 2021.
This volume also contains a consolidated and comprehensive index of all subject matter appearing in the text of the lectures published, not only in this volume, but also in the earlier two volumes, as well as consolidated lists of the lecture titles and speakers of all the Sultan Azlan Shah Law Lectures from 1986 to 2021. |
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 | Competition Law in Malaysia, Second Edition
This book provides a useful analysis and explanation of the regulatory scheme, discussing the various powers and functions of the competition regulator as well as the enforcement and procedural aspects of Malaysian competition law. |
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 | Privacy Law: A Primer
Privacy Law: A Primer explains the principles of privacy law in a concise manner and provides insightful discussions of new cases and commentary, as well as the important developments in the area of privacy law in Malaysia in recent years. |
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 | Law and Justice in Malaysia - 2020 and Beyond
This book surveys the landscape of law and justice in Malaysia now and beyond through a re-evaluation of Vision 2020. It contains the views and analyses of pre-eminent legal thinkers and writers, with a variety of perspectives, from across the ethnic and religious divide, on the role of law within a more holistic view of Malaysia’s development and with a broad understanding of justice. |
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 | Malaysian Trust Law, Second Edition
This new edition of Malaysian Trust Law provides a detailed, comprehensive and critical exposition of the law of trusts in Malaysia which has seen significant developments in the past two decades. |
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 | Medical Negligence in Malaysia: Cases and Commentary, Second Edition
The First Edition, published in 2009, was the first book containing cases and commentaries of medical negligence in Malaysia, comprising the case law from 1960s to 2009. This Second Edition of the book continues to be the lead reference on medical negligence case law in Malaysia, providing a useful compilation of local medical negligence cases with additional updates of cases from 2010 to 2020. |
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 | All Malaysia Tax Cases (AMTC) 2019
The All Malaysia Tax Cases (AMTC) 2019 reports revenue law cases decided in Malaysia commencing from the Special Commissioners of Income Tax, up to the High Court, the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court. It is the first of its kind in attempting to report all revenue cases decided in Malaysia, complemented by a complete yet concise case summary of each decision highlighting the legal principles involved, and the application of the legislation relevant to the issues in contention. Wherever applicable, cross-references are made to the corresponding appeal to the higher courts and its final decision. It includes a wide spectrum of tax law ranging from income tax, real property gains tax, investment incentives, stamp duty, Labuan tax, etc.
AMTC is a must for those in the tax and accounting field, legal practice as well as academics and students pursuing their education in accounting and tax, as it will help with research and enable the proper application and understanding of the legal issues that arise.
Readership: Tax practitioners, tax agents, legal counsel, financial consultants, academics and students. |
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 | Malaysian Legislation Series - The Annotated Trademarks Act 2019
This publication provides invaluable section-by-section annotations to the Trademarks Act 2019, throwing light on the application and interpretation of the provisions of the Act. It is certainly a resource which will greatly assist in the understanding and application of the new trademarks system in Malaysia. |
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 | Principles of Professional Liability in Malaysia
The book seeks to examine the main principles of professional liability in Malaysia with emphasis on the liabilities in tort and equity, in addition to the obligations under contract and written law. |
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 | Trademarks Law in Malaysia: Cases and Commentary, Second Edition
Trademarks Law in Malaysia: Cases and Commentary, Second Edition is a revamped edition from the first book which was published in 2003. It continues to provide a comprehensive overview on the development, economic rationale as well as the role and functions of the trademark system in Malaysia. |
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 | Malaysian Litigation Series - Malaysian Specialist Intellectual Property and Construction Courts: Practice and Procedure
This is a professional guide on the practice and procedure at the specialist Intellectual Property and Constructions Courts of Malaysia. Intellectual property and construction cases are often considered as technical and complex, requiring in-depth understanding by the parties, their lawyers as well as judges too. |
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 | Malaysian Practice Series - Law and Practice of Injunctions in Malaysia
This book aims to explain the law, practice and procedure of injunctions in Malaysia. Written and edited by an eminent legal practitioner, in collaboration with a group of expert authores, this publication has been prepared with court lawyers in mind, specifically those with the challenging task of praying for (and prevailing upon the court to grant) relief in circumstances where damages are simply not an adequate remedy. |
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 | Undang-undang Media di Malaysia
Undang-undang Media di Malaysia merangkumi perbincangan tentang kebebasan bersuara dan media, terutamanya media massa, dan kawalan kebebasan media di Malaysia. Buku ini membincangkan isu-isu perundangan yang sering timbul dalam amalan kebebasan media, termasuk fitnah, hasutan, rahsia rasmi, percetakan dan penerbitan, penghinaan mahkamah, serta penapisan filem dan kelucahan, yang merangkumi aspek jenayah dan sivil. |
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 | Intellectual Property Law in Malaysia, Second Edition
This book is a detailed work that gives a distinctively Malaysian account of the six areas of law that are conventionally accepted as falling under the rubric of intellectual property: the law of passing off, registered trademarks, copyright, patents, registered industrial designs and confidential information. It provides a basic but comprehensive account of the substantive rules that govern these areas of intellectual property law, with the focus being essentially on the Malaysian position. |
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 | Defamation Law: A Primer
Defamation Law: A Primer is a simple text covering various defamation situations occurring in the context of the Malaysian landscape. It is written specifically for a "reader" searching for a basic introductory book on the law of defamation as contained in statutes and expounded in leading court cases in Malaysia, Singapore, the United Kingdom and other common law jurisdictions. Case law from the United States has also been considered. |
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 | Borneo Law Reports Volume 10
Enhancing the armoury of Malaysian cases for legal practice.
The Borneo Law Reports covers all major areas of law with the most recent developments in each of the areas reported. The Borneo Law Reports Volume 10 contains 75 full judgments decided by the High Court, the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court that represent all the important cases originating from the High Court in Sabah and Sarawak from 2018 to 2019, many of which are hitherto unreported in any of the law reports in Malaysia. |
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 | Law of Evidence: A Commentary
Your essential companion for assured legal practice. |
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 | Companies Voluntary Winding-Up Handbook
This handbook covers various aspects of voluntary winding-up, i.e members and creditors'' voluntary winding-up. It discusses the law concerning voluntary winding-up and related practices, with the text supported by relevant flow-charts, forms, notices and sample minutes of Board of Directors meeting and notification of resolutions. |
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 | Cryptocurrency and Digital Assets Law in Malaysia
Making clear the law on crytocurrency and digital assets. |
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 | Retrenchment: The Law and Practice in Malaysia, Second Edition
This updated edition provides a comprehensive coverage on the recent and significant developments in the law and practice of retrenchment in Malaysia. |
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 | Law, Principles and Practice in the Dewan Rakyat (House of Representatives) of Malaysia
This book aims to be a comprehensive reference for parliamentarians, parliamentary officers, civil servants, serious scholars and researchers, and the general reader with a keen interest in parliamentary affairs. |
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 | Divorce and Matrimonial Proceedings Rules 1980: Commentary and Cases
This book is an invaluable guide to understand divorce and matrimonial proceedings - the flow and procedure of each and every divorce and ancillary relief petition filed under the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976. It facilitates a good grasp of the rules and procedure of divorce and matrimonial proceedings which is essential for successful family law study and practice. |
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 | Malaysian Legislation Series - The Annotated Malaysian Companies Act 2016, Second Edition
The Annotated Malaysian Companies Act 2016 provides invaluable section-by-section annotations to the Companies Act 2016, throwing light on the application and interpretation of the provisions of the Act. The full text of the Act accompanies the high-quality annotations which are insightful, practical and authoritative, enabling a confident understanding of the workings of the Act. |
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 | Malaysian Legislation Series - The Annotated Specific Relief Act 1950
The Annotated Specific Relief Act 1950 provides invaluable section-by-section annotations to the Specific Relief Act 1950, throwing light on the application and interpretation of the provisions of the Act. It is written by a legal practitioner with broad experience encompassing litigation, brand enforcement and corporate advisory in Malaysia. The full text of the Act accompanies the high-quality annotations which are insightful, practical and authoritative, enabling a confident understanding of the workings of the Act. |
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 | Encyclopaedia of Dubai Property Laws, Decrees and Legislation
Due to the great development of the property market in the United Arab Emirates in general, and the Emirate of Dubai in particular, legislations, laws and decrees have been generated to regulate and register property contracts, mortgages, engineering consultancies services, and possession of land for non-citizens or collateral accounts. The Encyclopaedia of Dubai Property Laws, Decrees and Legislation was devised to fill the need for a comprehensive reference work for property laws and decrees issued by His Highness the Ruler of Dubai and His Crown Prince. |
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 | Practice and Procedure of Mediation
The leading source of mediation knowledge in Malaysia.
One of the first of its kind, this title, Practice and Procedure of Mediation is intended to expansively address both the practical and procedural aspects of mediation. Mediation is now a growing area of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) not only in Malaysia but also worldwide. |
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